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강의는 오전과 오후, 주 5일(월, 화, 목, 금, 토) 동안 실시합니다. 강의 시간은 과목별로 한 주에 1회 모임을 갖습니다. 학과명과 스케줄은 매 학기마다 프린트를 해서 미리 알려드립니다.


Classes are held in day time and evening time from Monday to Saturday except Wednesday. Each class meets once a week. The actual schedule of classes is printed every quarter and may be obtained from the seminary office.


The Unit of Credit(학점)


과목 당 3학점입니다. 한 과목을 이수하기 위해서는 한 학기에 24시간 이상 수업을 받아야 합니다.


Each course represents three units of credit per Quarter. To receive one quarter unit of credit, a student spends 24 hours in class or in classroom related activities during a quarter. There are exceptions, however, in regard to independent and directed studies and field research classes. When registering for classes, students should keep in mind that one semester unit normally requires at least 3-4 hours of study for each hour spent in class.


The Quarter System


본교는 4학기제를 실시합니다. 각 학기마다 8 주간의 강의로 짜여있습니다.


STS operates on the Quarter system. There are 8 school weeks in a quarter, for a total of 32 weeks in a typical school year. Each class is usually worth three units of credit per quarter.




  • Certificate 과정과 B. Th.과정은 1학점(unit) 당 $100입니다.

  • M. Div., Th.M 과정 역시 1 학점(unit) 당 $100입니다. (1 과목 당 $300).

  • 박사 학위(Doctorate) 과정은 1 학점(unit) 당 $200입니다.                                            

  • 청강료는 과목당 $70 입니다.

  • 본교의 학비 금액은 학교 당국의 상황에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다. 가급적 학생의 학업 진학을 돕기 위해 학비건에 대해 얼마든지 상담할 수 있습니다.


  • Students who enroll at STS assume responsibility for the payment of all tuition and fees in accordance with the financial policies set forth below.

  • STS reserves the right to change the tuition and fee schedule for any given term without prior notice. After the beginning of a term, no changes in tuition or fees will be made which affect that term.

  • STS delivers courses and degree programs in a variety of formats over each quarter as part of the certificate, B.Th., M.Div., Th.M., D.Min., Th.D. programs. These formats include: traditional, intensive courses.

  • Tuition and fees for each quarter or course at STS are due in full at the beginning of the quarter/course.

  • Tuition Fee per unit is $100 for B.Th/ M.Div./ Th.M. and $200 for Doctoral level.

  • Audit Fee per Course $70


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